Disclaimer :
– For the athletes : you can use the following picture for your own personnal social media account. just tag @aurele_bremond on Instagram
– For the brands : if you want to use the following pictures, please contact me at aurele.bremond@gmail.com first !
Disclaimer 2 : Photos of the qualification round here. Another article is coming finals.
Shooting the finals of the Lead world cup in Chamonix was a bit the cherry on the top of the cake. I was already exctatic after shooting the previous day the qualification and the semis. I couldn’t wait shooting the finals . I had great expectations.
Watching a final trought the lens of the camera is very different than watching it as spectator : you have to remain comited, focus, and stay sharp to capture great moments, on the wall and after. You enjoy the competition very differently, and watching the end results allowed me to relive this amazing moments, especially because i’m satisfied with the results.
Special mention to Martin Stranik who seemed has happy as Sean Bailey on the Podium. Big mention to the whole italian team that sang the national anthem with Laura Rogora. The happiness, the joy, the fury we heard during the national anthem was